
Running a successful restaurant involves juggling various ingredients, and Arae Insurance is the key to safeguarding your business from potential risks. At Arae Insurance, we understand the unique challenges you face, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your food and your customers.


Comprehensive Coverage for Your Restaurant

Adequate coverage is essential to mitigate unnecessary risks and ensure your restaurant is ready for business. Our all-in-one package or mono-line coverage includes:

  • Property Insurance: Protecting your physical assets, including the building and equipment.

  • General Liability: Addressing risks associated with customer injuries or property damage.

  • Workers Compensation: Providing coverage for employee injuries on the job.

  • Vehicle Insurance: Safeguarding your business vehicles used for deliveries or other purposes.

  • Business Interruption Insurance: Mitigating financial losses during unexpected interruptions.


Tailored Policies for Dine-In Eateries

Most restaurants offering dine-in services should carry this insurance, as failing to do so exposes your business to various risks. Our restaurant policies are specifically designed for dine-in eateries, providing the best coverage for your unique needs.


Specialized Coverage for Your Restaurant

We specialize in covering restaurants like yours, offering a range of insurance options, including:

  • Liquor Liability: Protecting against risks associated with serving alcoholic beverages.

  • Business Income: Mitigating financial losses during interruptions to your operations.

  • Employee Dishonesty: Safeguarding against fraudulent activities by employees.

  • Data Breach: Addressing risks related to potential data breaches.

  • Limited Pollution: Providing coverage for limited pollution-related risks.

  • Crime Insurance: Protecting against crimes such as theft, forgery, or fraud.


Established Relationships for Seamless Coverage

With established relationships with brokers and carrier partners, Arae Insurance ensures there are no gaps in your coverage. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your restaurant is well-protected.


Tailored Policies for Different Eateries

While other eateries may have similar protection needs, we understand that each business is unique. Coffee shops, food trucks, bars, caterers, and others may require slightly different policies tailored to their specific business types.


Trust Arae Insurance to provide comprehensive and tailored restaurant insurance that aligns with the distinct needs of your business.