Farm & Ranch


Operating a farm is a distinct business with unique aspects, especially the fact that farmers not only work on their property but also reside there. The dwelling component of your Arae Insurance policy is designed to assist in covering damages to your home and attached structures.


Personal Property

For your Personal Property, coverage extends beyond the home to include personal belongings not utilized in the farming operation. This includes items like clothing, furniture, electronics, and appliances, safeguarded against risks such as fire, theft, smoke damage, and other perils. Additional coverage may be necessary for items like jewelry, guns, and collections.



Liability coverage is crucial due to the significant responsibility involved in farm operations. From the operation of machinery and equipment to the unpredictable nature of farm animals, farmers face higher liability risks. This coverage addresses expenses you may be legally obligated to pay, including bodily injury, attorney fees, court costs, damage caused by farm animals, or other claims resulting from farm operations.


Farm Structures

Farm Structures coverage protects vital physical assets such as barns, pole buildings, and machine sheds. Loss to these structures can disrupt business and lead to financial devastation. This coverage helps in cases of accidental property loss due to various perils like fires and natural disasters.


Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment coverage is essential to ensure that your farming tools and machinery are protected against theft, fire, and equipment breakdown. Beyond standard coverage, it safeguards against damage caused by power surges, mechanical breakdown, and motor burnout.


Crop & Livestock Coverage

Crop & Livestock Coverage addresses the high level of responsibility associated with farming. It covers liabilities arising from machinery operation, unpredictable behavior of farm animals, bodily injury, attorney fees, court costs, and damage caused by farm animals.


Farm Auto

Farm Auto policies cover vehicles used around the farm, including personal cars, trucks, and tractor-trailers used for transportation. This coverage protects against uncontrollable factors like road conditions, bad weather, and other drivers.


Farm Umbrella

Finally, the Farm Umbrella policy acts as an additional layer of coverage against serious claims. While your farm liability policy covers many situations, an umbrella policy provides extra protection in case of significant accidents, offering peace of mind in your day-to-day farm operations.