Condo Association

Community Association Insurance Coverage

  • Property Insurance: Comprehensive coverage for community structures, amenities, maintenance areas, foyers, hallways, garages or carports, pool and pool equipment, fences, signs, and retaining walls.

  • General Liability Insurance: Protection against lawsuits stemming from incidents in common spaces. Note that incidents inside individual units require Unit Owners to purchase an individual condo policy (HO-6).

  • Excess Liability: Additional protection once underlying limits are exhausted. Offers limits of $1M, $2M, $5M, and $10M.

  • Directors and Officers (D&O): Safeguards board members from lawsuits arising from wrongful acts. This coverage often extends to those performing property management services.

  • Crime Insurance: Coverage against employee dishonesty, forgery, and computer fraud. Limits starting at $10,000 can be increased up to $5 million.

  • Cyber Insurance: Protection against data breaches and cybercrimes.


Umbrella Coverage


Property Insurance


Directors and Officers


Our insurance solutions go beyond protection; they provide peace of mind for Condominium Associations, HOAs, Townhomes, and Apartments. Trust Arae Insurance to safeguard your community with expertise and tailored coverage.